3-Hormones for Brain Sharpness Feb 07, 2022

Dr. Liz Lyster is an MD and Hormone expert on the Advisory Board at Club menopause [link]. We asked her to share a real-life patient story with our Club Menopause members. She shared, "One of my patients recently cracked me up when she told me she is known among her family as the one whose brain...

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The Importance of Bone Density Jan 27, 2022

Women reach peak bone density at about age thirty. And we only reach a good peak bone density if we’ve had all the best opportunities to develop good bone density, such as good nutrition, exercise and good genes [link].

One out of two Americans over the age of 50 either has or is at risk of...

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Men's Midlife & Erectile Dysfunction Jan 14, 2022

Is your man showing signs of a midlife crisis? The red Corvette in the driveway is always an indicator. Joking aside, male menopause can reveal itself in several ways. The male hormone, testosterone may be low. If testosterone is low, he could be experiencing erectile dysfunction which leads to a...

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Are You Overwhelmed about the Holidays? Dec 20, 2021

The holidays can overwhelm anyone, and menopausal women are no exception. The extra demands of family dynamics, searching for gifts, mailing cards or sending holiday emails, socializing more than usual, and the abundance of alcohol and food consumption can put you in overload and overwhelm. As if...

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Symptoms of Depression & Anxiety Dec 19, 2021

Anxiety and depression during menopause can drive you insane and make you lose track of yourself. The quote by Coco Chanel is evidence that women throughout history have undergone sad times. Coco Chanel was a fashion designer known for such classic innovations as the woman's suit,...

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Brain Fog & Menopause Dec 01, 2021

Over 60% of menopausal women report cognitive difficulties such as problems thinking, reasoning and remembering, also called brain fog. Brain fog isn’t a psychological or medical term, but a lay term that describes the fogginess experienced by many women during menopause. Finding the right...

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