The Importance of Bone Density Jan 27, 2022

Women reach peak bone density at about age thirty. And we only reach a good peak bone density if we’ve had all the best opportunities to develop good bone density, such as good nutrition, exercise and good genes [link].

One out of two Americans over the age of 50 either has or is at risk of...

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Menopause Symptoms at Work Jan 15, 2022

Menopause Symptoms are beginning to be noticed at work. Signs include hot flashes, mood swings, brain fog, a lack of focus, and memory lapses. Many menopausal women experience embarrassing heavy flows that have them rushing to the restroom. They have their own Christina Aguilera moment....

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Changes in Menstrual Cycle Jan 13, 2022

Are you experiencing changes in your menstrual cycle after getting the Covid-19 vaccine? [link] The CEO of Club Menopause (CM), Dr. Leslie Hewitt who is a retired Chiropractor says, “I don’t like hearing that post-vaccine symptoms are being normalized”.

A new study in the...

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