Menopause is a Legacy Requiring Leadership

birthright leadership legacy pain right of passage Apr 04, 2023

Listen to the voices of your menopausal friends and colleagues. The pain is personal and it is deep. Menopausal women are scrambling in this economy. They are losing their jobs and homes. They are sick, over-medicated and uninformed. They don’t have solutions. They are not living their heart’s desires. Many women are not connected to their inner voices, that voice of reason, and they are confused by the noise in the media. This pain caused by menopause is manifesting as a national epidemic.


Menopausal women are proclaiming their pain in new ways:

I’m stuck, I’m frustrated, I’m not making enough money, I never get ahead, I’m under-utilized, my life lacks meaning, something is missing, I can’t afford to lose my job, I’m stressed out, overworked, micromanaged, sick of politics, I don’t trust this country, the pressure is killing me, my home life is falling apart, and my kids are out of control.

First we must understand the fundamental problem causing pain. There are behaviors that are deeply flawed and there is misinformation that undermines menopausal women's sensibilities and self-worth. The wellness paradigm is upon us and yet it is high-jacked by Big Pharma. Women want to understand the root cause to their conditions, which is a fundamental breakthrough of old paradigms when people trusted their doctors before their own body's wisdom. The power of a woman's influence will steadily grow when we unite as a group of wise women, embracing the whole person model - living, learning, loving and leaving a legacy.



Menopause is a legacy requiring leaders with a vision that can take us from effectiveness to greatness. Leadership is not a position, it is a practice. It arrives innately when people sense human need. This taps into the sustainability of your voice. Search for creative solutions to problems and begin to educate yourselves and your community from that inner guidance. In other words, the voice within you that has cultivated wisdom from years and decades of experience. Mother Theresa says, “Few of us can do great things, but all of us can do small things that are great”.



It is the birthright of every human being to search for inner meaning to the life we live. Socrates says, “The unexamined life is not worth living”. Will you examine your new mindset that leaves behind mediocrity to step into greatness? Will you become a change catalyst or a change agent? What is your contribution to leadership for women aging into menopause? Inspire means to breathe life into another. My intent with my article is to inspire you in multiple ways.



Find your voice and inspire others to find theirs. Robert Frost says, “Taking the road less travelled made all the difference”. One road is to mediocrity and the other is to greatness. One road is the quick fix and the other road is the inner work of wellness. In wellness there is a continuum of roads because we each have our own voice. We can all speak authentically to find a place of community and collaboration. Einstein said “The significant problems we face today cannot be solved with the same thinking that created them”.


The fastest way to change a person’s paradigm is to change their role, so I challenge you to change your role as a woman in your job, career, family and community. Become a leader for change. We have some serious work to do ladies. Let's do the work together.